Amnesty Petition: Women’s Rights Must be a Priority in Yemen
Amnesty Petition: Women’s Rights in Afghanistan Non-Negotiable
Womens’ Rights are Human Rights
Amnesty International to Jamaica: Stop the Police Killings
Chicago Kicks out G8, Prepares for NATO
US Surgeon General Declares Youth Cigarette Smoking an ‘Epidemic’
Fracking and Psychological Operations: Empire Comes Home
While I also saw arrogance in the kony2012 video, I think the Atlantic article misses the point that social media may represent a paradign shift in the way policy decisions are reached. In modern times, policy decisions are based on a combination of factors – some noble, and some not so noble. Perhaps the engagement of young people, no matter how idealistic, is just what the doctor ordered to create a new recipe for action. Instead of requiring humanatairian pressure to be combined with benefit to institutionalized big business, humanatarian needs backed by newly organized youth will suffice. After all, this is what put Obama in the white house in the first place.